Enhancing BioEngineering Client’s Public Relations

BE design and construction projects have generated positive public relations opportunities for its clients. The Mad River Estuary Project received good press and great commentary from the local neighbors. The Santa Rosa Press Democrat gave the Odd Fellows project a very favorable half page story with color photos in their Sunday Edition on October 25, 2009. Asti Winery was honored with the Business Environmental Award by the Sonoma County Business Environmental Alliance. The site manager, Jeff Collins, in an email to us said that, “Your work featured prominently in the nomination and was mentioned during the presentation as one of the measures we’ve taken to be both a profitable and environmentally friendly business.”

Another one of our clients, Rudy Light of Light Vineyards, in Redwood Valley, was awarded the Russian River Watershed Council’s John Wesley Powell Award for the work that we did in stabilizing and revegetating streambanks and flood terraces along the West Fork Russian River that runs through his 1500 acre property.

Don McEnhill of Russian River Keepers has commented favorably on our Russian River Projects as he has viewed them while canoeing down the river.

When constructing our massive live willow and boulder structures at Odd Fellows Recreation Club during the summer and fall of 2009 we had many favorable comments and “thumbs up” from tourists who were floating down the river in a variety of water crafts ranging from tubes and surfboards to kayaks and flotillas of canoes.


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